Hello Friends! Alex here with an update on our ministry!

June 10, 2020
      Despite the pandemic keeping BHC from meeting in person, we haven’t been prevented from preparing something special for our graduating seniors. Last Tuesday we had an intimate "Senior Send-off " Zoom meeting to commemorate several of our students graduating from UD. This was an opportunity for us all to shower the seniors with love and affirmation and also to recount some of our favorite memories during their time with BHC. Although every Spring graduation is a bittersweet occasion, this year in particular is extra meaningful for me because the group of students who are graduating were all freshman during my first semester as a minister at BHC. I've known most of these students through their entire time in college and have gotten to see first-hand the impact that knowing Jesus has had on their lives. 
      Whether it's Jeremy - Who had no knowledge of Christianity before coming to UD. (In his words, all he knew was that Jesus was a good man who bad people killed) He then went on to become one of our most dependable student leaders and passionate evangelists!
      Or Sarah - Who almost didn't make it through the front door of our campus house the first time she visited because her anxiety was so severe. She transitioned into becoming our social media liaison and a confident group Bible study leader!
      I could go on to share so many more stories - Jordan, desiring to shower our campus with Christ's love after a religious hate-group came and condemned students to hell; used roses and scripture to positively impact many secular students' and professors' views of Christians!
      Or Ashley - Who promised me in one of our early Bible studies that she would never leave the United States for any reason, much less to share her faith. She later traveled to Greece and taught Muslim refugees about Jesus through conversational English lessons!
      Of course, there's my sister Stephanie - Who would boldly share her faith wherever she was sent - through whatever means required. She went so far as to join a women's soccer game as a stand-in in Florida (though it made her incredibly nervous!). This gave BHC an opportunity to publicly pray with the players in the field before the game! Rusty recently shared that a Bible study started as a result of that day, has led many to truly discover Jesus for the first time (including a Satanist)!
      And we mustn't forget Taylor - Who, raised in an anti-Christian household, now feels the freedom and love of God and has made it her responsibility to share this life-saving truth with whoever she can! During the Zoom meeting, Taylor mentioned that she was first drawn to the love of God because of the love she experienced through BHC. For this, she shared, she will forever be grateful her Blue Hens for Christ family!
I will forever be grateful to BHC as well.
When God works in a person's life, it's not just the individual themselves who is impacted, but also the people around them who witness their transformation. As a minister to these students, it has been my job to invest in them and help them grow in Christ, but doing so has also changed me for the better! I am blessed that BHC has given me the platform to walk alongside so many great students and be encouraged regularly by God's transformative power and love. I am also incredibly grateful to our sponsors and volunteers who create the environments for these things to take place. There'd be no BHC without you all, thank you!

Please keep God's work at UD in your prayers!

- Alex
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