Our Story

In the Fall of 2002 the vision for planting our first campus mission at the University of Delaware (UD) was cast. Soon following the Delaware Christian Campus Ministry Foundation (now renamed to Reflect Campus Missions) was formed to lead this work, and vision kingdom growth in the northeast United States.
As we learned and grew through the years working with the Blue Hens for Christ (BHC) at UD to reach university students for Christ, the desire God planted to reach other campuses continued to grow inside. Through the leadership of the Blue Hens for Christ campus ministers, David Blackwell, Ian Morgan, Matt Wilson, and Tyler Ellis, our work with students at UD flourished and God was glorified.
A group of people are standing in front of a sign that says campus house.

In 2015 DCCMF became more focused on ways to grow our efforts through self-fundraised campus missionaries and apprentices as we felt the calling to plant campus missions. Students are taking their faith to places where it is needed most, whether it be domestic or to a foreign country where their faith is foreign and often unwelcome.

In January 2017 we implemented our 3 year plan to plant to recruit, train, and plant our second campus mission team with at least one more every year thereafter.

In July 2019 Casey Coston joined our staff to be the lead campus missionary for BHC.

About DCCMF’s current lead campus missionary:

A family posing for a picture in front of a tree.
Casey and Tracey Coston joined the Blue Hens for Christ as the lead campus missionary at the University of Delaware July 2019. For the past 15 years Casey has been the campus missionary at Ole Miss in Oxford MS, where since 2004 his prayers have been for God to help plant campus missions in the northeast. After 15 years of campus ministry at Ole Miss, God is answering his prayer from 2004 as he joins the Blue Hens for Christ team and Reflect Campus Missions.
You can see more of our teams by checking out each campus mission’s homepage.
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