It's finals week here in Newark. Most students are already leaving town, but some still have finals on Saturday...even Saturday evening! A few students will return for the winter session in January but the spring semester doesn't start until February! God has been doing a lot around BHC these past few weeks, and I have a couple of stories to share with you...
I hope you will enjoy the picture below from our annual Christmas party. We played the silly game various groups call "white elephant," "dirty santa" or "yankee swap." Very simple to us, but imagine playing it with international students who have never played such a game! In this picture, a Muslim student is opening a gift while everyone eagerly watched. We had an awesome time that night and a big thanks to Alex Friedline for the set up and prep work! Maybe the most exciting thing that happened that night was at a table in the next room. My new Chinese friend Xu was talking with another Chinese student Lina. Xu and I have been meeting weekly all semester and his heart seems to be drawing closer to God and Jesus. And on this party night, he asked Lina, who is a Christian, to talk about the process she went through of becoming a Christian. Doesn't that sound exciting?! God is raising up disciples who make disciples!
Also this week, Rusty and I met with a student leader named Alex. After our lunch and meeting, Alex and I started walking back to campus, and we ran into a student named "A." This student had a headache and was headed back to his room. A is not a believer yet - We have had several conversations, but he is still a ways from God. However, Alex being Alex (he loves to pray with and for people) asked A if we could pray for him to get relief from his headache. literally laughed out loud. It was awkward for a second, but then he let Alex lead a prayer for him. Many of us probably wouldn't act as Alex did so naturally, but I know this was a memorable moment for A that he won't soon forget.
Then in a conversation this week with Armando, the Brazilian visiting scholar, he teared up thinking about the abandoned and abused children of Brazil and dreaming about ways he can help them when he returns.
God is at work, even at the end of the semester when things seem to be "winding down." Like Jesus said in the gospel of John, "My Father is always at work...."
Please pray for these students by name and ask God to continue to bring them closer to Jesus. Also, please pray for the students finishing exams this week.
Thank you for all your support and prayers in every way.
From the BHC campus mission team, we wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!